Why?: On Resentment

Jupiter Hunter
2 min readJul 9, 2021


Why didn’t you believe me?

Why was I always instantly deemed

The antithesis of familial harmony?


Why were her worlds valued more?

Was it because you loved me less

Or because you loved her more?


Why was I always the one who had to forgive?

Why were her wrongdoings

Even those that subjected me to years

Years of physical and mental abuse

So quickly erased and forgotten

While I still had to live with all the scars

Seared into my flesh

Why was she never subjected to that same pain?


Why is this just some funny joke now for you to tell?

Can you not see that your other child put me through hell?

Why did I have to wait until I was a man

To even get one apology?

Did you never even wonder

About the damage that you had inflicted on me

Did you never realize

That I would find it hard to trust

When my truths though spoken

Were never good enough

Did you never see her taunt

Or laugh in my face

While I struggled to control my tears of disgrace?


Why was your princess always believed over me?

I often wondered if I was a girl

Would you have had the same faith in me

So I tried to be perfect

And shine where I knew she’d fail

Because maybe the next time she lied

You’d think twice about her tale

I’m not saying I was a perfect child

There were lessons I needed to learn

But I had to learn her’s too

And that’s why there’s a hunger in me that still burns

Because the greatest lesson I got out of all of this

Is people cannot be trusted

Never let them fully in

For they will find a way to pick apart your carcass

They’ll take what little you have left in you

Then they’ll burn the memories into your flesh

Don’t trust people,

They’ll beat you near death.


Why as a man can I not let go?

Perhaps its because I’m trapped in nature’s duality

For out of duty I love her

She’s my earliest memory

But my soul aches for vengeance

I want her to suffer unyieldingly

So perhaps its wrong

But sometimes when I hear of how she’s failed

Or how she brings you more pain

Greater than any of you took out on my tail

I feel it’s karma getting you all back

For never once believing me

And helping my soul turn black.

It’s why I can flip a switch

Become cold and calculating

It’s why no one will ever see

Beyond a mask of who I choose to be.



Jupiter Hunter

A random amalgamation of writings inspired by this thing called life.